Sunday, September 14, 2008


I haven't posted anything here in quite a while.

I enjoy blogging. I really do. But sometimes is so difficult to express how I feel in words--especially when there's a whirlwind of emotions whipping through me. And the few times I am successful in manifesting my thoughts through text, it's hard to post. Who really wants all of their thoughts and feelings heard or read by people? There are a few people who crave that, but for the most part I'm not one of those people. It's hard to put yourself and your emotions on display for others to see. And as ironic as it may be, it's harder to show that vulnerability to your own friends. Maybe that's just me, but sometimes it's easier to bare your heart to a stranger.

I realized that more often than not, I'm expected to be stoic. I'm not exceedingly surprised by this considering it's actually rather difficult for me to express extreme emotions at times, but nevertheless it surprises me when others are surprised that I have emotions. I'm not resentful toward this. In fact, it sometimes puts me at an advantage. Still, it's a bit awkward when people meet the Nicole inside my head. She's a little bit different than the other one.

This post has just been a long string of thoughts that may or may not be completely coherent. And maybe no one will read this post and maybe someone will. Whatever the case may be, writing this was somewhat cathartic.

I think I'm ready to start my homework.

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