Monday, October 29, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

So this new thing I've been trying isn't really working for me. It's called "trying in school." I kind of have no choice but to continue with it though. Maybe school is overrated. I think no one should go to school and we should all just live based on the knowledge we're born with and acquire naturally over our lifetimes. Not really. I'd hate to be even stupider than I am now. Cayan and I came up with an addition to the age old saying "Ignorance is bliss." Our version goes: "Ignorance is bliss, but it makes those around you pissed." Of course, we're being optimistic and assuming that you're not surrounded by ignorant people.

I've been on a Simon & Garfunkel jag lately. I mean, I'm always in the mood for feeling groovy, just more recently than usual--I desperately hope you got that pun.

Guitar Hero III came out on Sunday. My sisters and I went to the midnight launch "party." And oh, it was one heck of a party. Waiting in line for fifteen minutes outside GameStop and then showing them a receipt? MAN. I now know why they call it a party. I think people get that it's not a party. It's kind of offensive. OMG, we should SUE them.

A majority of the people attending the party were Wii/XBox 360 owners. I know, I feel sorry for them too. EMBRACE PROGRESS. Don't let them trick you into thinking that a half step up is actually a whole step into the future of digital entertainment.


I'm eating Ruffles®. (Don't want them to sue me.)

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