Monday, August 20, 2007


Sunny Hills High School Parent Teacher Association and the Sunny Hills Foundation for Education. Am I the only one who believes that they totally rip us off? Last night, I was filling all the student behavior agreement, etc. papers for registration, and I started laughing. I started laughing because I saw a brochure for the Sunny Hills High School Foundation for Education.

Now, I don't mean to upset anyone, I think it's great that the parents at our school want to raise money for our school. It would surprise you, but I actually like our school. I'm sure if you looked deep down into my soul, maybe somewhere around my kidney, you'd find some school spirit hidden in me. But that's beside the point. I did some quick, and probably inaccurate, figuring last night regarding the amount of money our PTA gets for our lockers. I'd say that ninety percent of our student population has lockers. Two thirds of the freshmen, sophomore, and junior lockers are shared. One hundred percent of the senior lockers are individual lockers. For every student who has a locker, fifteen dollars go to the PTA for 'maintenance.' So, assuming every senior pays for a locker, the PTA gets around 35,000 dollars. That's a really rough estimate, but I highly doubt that thirty five thousand dollars is spent to 'maintain' our lockers. The only 'maintenance' I've ever seen, is sloppy painting over profane statements written on them. And then whatever was written on the locker bleeds through, so it only draws more attention to it. Unless the paint is made out of gold, I don't see where that money goes. I mean, there were new lockers installed, but they get that much money every year.

And now, they want us to give the school more money. What does the PTA spend money on? I really don't know. If you do, please tell me. After all that I'm sure I sound very anti-SHHS, but I'm not. I just really want to know where that money is going. I mean, they get that plus our tax dollars. I want to be a school.

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